Monday 29 August 2011

Dusting myself off... again.

Today I felt like wallowing.
Actually yesterday I felt like wallowing too.
Truth be told, I've felt like wallowing for 5 days now.

I feel unemployable.
I feel unloveable.
I feel unwanted (at times) as a mother.
I feel like a loser.

So with that heavy in my heart, tears freshly wiped from my face, I set off again on my running path. Funny how on the heavy days, you feel like your runners are filled with concrete and lead. 'There's no freakin' way I'm going to break 45 mins today' was a thought that kept drifting in and out of my head as I pounded along the path. I forgot to smell the salty ocean, I forgot to listen to the waves fighting up and over my running tunes as they crashed against the cliffs, I forgot to listen to the lyrics to every single song that shuffled up and out of my ipod.

All I could really think about were the things that I was trying to run from, trying to run out of me. I tried to fight those thoughts, ignore them, smile at them to see if they'd magically disappear. Instead I just started crying whilst running.

Crying whilst running is HARD! So much snot, so little time to breathe and sob.

I didn't think that the run was much chop. I checked the time, 45 mins on the dial, whaddyaknow. I went to sit on the rocks afterwards but there was a school excursion right there (of course there was). So I just took a slug of water from the bubbler and clomped off home, with my concrete and lead filled runners.

I didn't feel the usual sense of accomplishment, exhilaration, satisfaction. Nuthin'.

I cried less though. And I managed to apply for another job, despite still getting over the disappointment of missing out on the best job I've ever interviewed for. Oh and I emailed the HR person for the best job I've ever interviewed for and thanked them for the interview, let em know how much I loved the sound of that company, that role. Sometimes I'm like a dog with a bone when it comes to letting go of things. Mostly that just kicks me in the arse, but hey, you never know. I don't believe it was tenacity that killed the cat... I contacted a job agency in the business area I really want to get into, gave them my resume. I had a cup of tea lovingly made for me from the kid that I felt so unwanted from yesterday. I connected with both kids over a card game. I did less headmiles over feeling so unloveable.

I found myself dusting myself off... again.

I'm off to bed, to read myself to sleep. Tommorrow actually IS another day, who knew?


  1. I love your "About Me" almost as much as I love you. Almost.


  2. Oh mate who the fuck do I think I am?

  3. Well you RAN and I just think about running or do it in my sleep.
    Would love to run but still seeking inspiration.

  4. Eden sent me here from the twitterverse and she does gang signs and so I came...

    Loving your writing, and as I can only manage a brisk walk I am envying your ability to run and wishing you well on your job hunt because job hunts suck.

  5. I've been having a few crappy days too, with daughter sick in hospital and I always fall back on Tomorrow is another day too.
    Never put yourself worth on a job, crying is Ok, I cry heaps and write about it & I'm the counsellor :)
    You have Eden on you side and that rocks big ones.
    Hope today is better and if not there is always tomorrow, You've made me laugh with your snot and running line so big hugs to you Nx

  6. In your honor I ran the other day. My feet felt like cement -- the stroller was a fucking hassle and I thought "did I ever really love this????" -- and marveled again at where you are -- the strength it takes to get to that place -- and it does -- even when so much else around you feels tenuous and scary. I wrote just recently about those days -- when it's almost like some weird dust has blown in from the childhood darkness -- and it obscures all the real facts -- I hope, for you, the sky has cleared again -- crying less is good -- tenaciousness is good --because by damn it means you're invested. Tomorrow yes, another day. I tell myself that all the time.


    How have your tomorrows been since you wrote this? Write more often please so I can come visit -- it's been so quiet in my blogland of late...

