Friday 20 January 2012

Busted Open

Today I feel awesome.
I did yesterday too.
And the day before that.
It's the 20th Jan 2012, so I've felt pretty awesome for 20 days running now.

I woke up on New Years Day and I just felt different, life change-ingly different. I woke up with an 'open heart' and I've kept that heart busted wide open every day since.

I've spent ALOT of money in self development to find that open hearted space. Each time I did, I'd bust this ol' heart of mine wiiiiiiiiide open. And I'd return back to my home space with that big busted wide open heart, and before I even walked through the door, I could feel my heart start to shrink in size, shrivel, go inward, retreat.

I've come to realise, that the only way I can keep an open heart, is to live in my own truth. Smell it, INHALE it, live it, breathe it. Truth. Sometimes it fucking hurts, mostly it's just so damn free-ing.

Open your heart, trust me, it's 'the new black'.